Friday, October 7, 2011

David Foster Wallace.

    David Foster Wallace gave his commencement speech in 2005 at a Liberal arts college.  I enjoyed his speech because I feel it is different from what I know as a standard commencement speech.
    In class, we were asked what we worship.  I believe that what I would worship is the goodness of people.  I believe that in general that people are good.  I would like to think that goodness is also a chain reaction, you can impact someones day with a smile.   I believe that people overlook this, because we are so busy with our everyday lives.  I also believe that this is more often true than in the Midwest.  Last winter I went to Wisconsin with my boyfriend to visit his family, and I was a nerved by the number of people that would look you in the eye and smile, but I believe the people are happier there.
    I think we can take what David Foster Wallace says about being aware of your surroundings, and apply it to being decent human beings.  If instead of getting aggravating with the old lady driving slow.  Instead think, maybe she can only handle her car going this fast.

1 comment:

  1. Yes--For Foster Wallace, education has everything to do with being a "decent human being." It is not merely knowledge for knowledge's sake.

    In my hometown, Chelsea, MI, people smile and look at you all the time. What's up wtih gainesville?
