Monday, September 12, 2011

Exploring ideas -- Research Blog

I have three different ideas, they all kind of are alike. 

The first idea that I have I got from my Human Growth and development class.  The first theory that I am possibly interested in would be childhood development.  One issue in childhood development is the theory of continuous  development, and discontinuous development.  I am not sure which one I agree with more.  I think maybe if I research and explore more I could develop a side.
 Along with my first idea I would like to explore other theories that have two sides.

My second idea is: the idea of republican motherhood which was important during history and it was the idea that we should educate our women and mothers, teach them how to read write, even teach them politics so they could educate their children especially their boys to be better members of society 

My third idea  is: The development of childhood after WWII many factors led to the development of childhood and its importance in a persons adult life.  To list a few, the factories that were created during the war to create weapons were now converted to make toys( which is ironic).  Another factor is the baby boom, this led to a huge generation of kids.

1 comment:

  1. Kimber,

    I think all of these topics have potential. I like how you locate your firs topic in a particular discipline's course, contrasting two theories of development. The other two ideas would be 'historical' arguments, since childhood growth may have changed since then. You would have to locate yourself in this historical debate with people who have talked about these issues. This is definitely possible.

    Good start.
