Monday, September 19, 2011

"Aristotle, for one, did not believe in zero." - Eula Biss

Is there a zero?  Zero does not act like a number, so is zero the absence of a number? Can there be an absence of pain.
I believe that pain should be defined:
"Experiences which resemble pain but
are not unpleasant... should not be called pain."
If there is an absence of pain, is there a pain cap?
the pain scale goes 0 to 10
10, the worst pain imaginable... What is the worst pain imaginable. The worst pain that I can imagine is a natural child birth. 
Child birth is an 8.  (
"There is no tenth circle to Dante's Hell."

So, what would be the worst level of pain?  Is the absence of pain the absence of everything.  I believe that one must feel pain to appreciate joy, or good health.  I pick zero.  I believe to feel no pain, would to feel nothing at all.  Through your day, you feel emotion, you see a sad movie, you touch and feel the emotional bond between you and another being, you feel the heat, you feel the cold. 

1 comment:

  1. good stuff. This mirrors the old saying "without the bad, no good."

    Good use of the text. This kind of juxtaposing of texts and questions is the kind of "reflection" i'm looking for on the blog. The blog should "suggest" meaning as much as it should tell meaning.

    Good job looking up "child birth" on the scale!
